
Flood Fill Algorithm

Converted this c# flood fill algorithm to unityscript.

Using list, instead of that queue thing and modified it to work with grid array, instead of bitmap colors..
Bit too slow, if I want to try big grid.. maybe 4096×4096. (wont be using setpixel on that, just grid checking..)

Version 1:
– Fill 1024×1024 area : 2.2secs (with setpixel), 1.99secs (without setpixel)

Version 2  (from this c# script: RevisedQueueFloodFill)
– Fill 1024×1024 area : 1.8secs = 1800ms (with setpixel), 1.69secs = 1690ms (without setpixel)

Version 3  (from this vb.net script: UnsafeFloodFill)
– Fill 1024×1024 area : 1.43secs = 1430ms (with setpixel), 1.26secs = 1260ms (without setpixel)

Version 3b (same as above, but using preset 1x border around the grid and fill starts from fixed position in the corner..)
– Fill 1024×1024 area : 1.21secs = 1210ms (with setpixel), 0.97secs = 970ms (without setpixel)

Version 4 (calling the c# in javascript – code by alexzzzz *see comments section 12/10/2012 at 19:24 )
– Fill 1024×1024 area :0.158secs = 158ms (with setpixel), 0.08secs = 18ms (without setpixel)
What I want to test with it:
– Big grid map (for example 4096×4096
– Player can insert walls to map (except map borders)
– Need to determinate which areas are blocked by the walls
– Similar to rampart (youtube video)

Webplayer: (v1)
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/FloodFill_algorithm_unity/ (64×64 image)

Download source:
coming later..

Source: v3 (needs a prefilled grid with borders..)

function UnsafeFloodFill3(x:int,y:int)
var ptsx:List.<int> = new List.<int>();
var ptsy:List.<int> = new List.<int>();

while (ptsx.Count > 0)
if (grid[ptsx[0]-1,ptsy[0]]==0)
ptsx.Add(ptsx[0]-1); ptsy.Add(ptsy[0]);grid[ptsx[0]-1,ptsy[0]]=1;
if (grid[ptsx[0],ptsy[0]-1]==0)
if (grid[ptsx[0]+1,ptsy[0]]==0)
ptsx.Add(ptsx[0]+1); ptsy.Add(ptsy[0]);grid[ptsx[0]+1,ptsy[0]]=1;
if (grid[ptsx[0],ptsy[0]+1]==0)
ptsx.Add(ptsx[0]); ptsy.Add(ptsy[0]+1);grid[ptsx[0],ptsy[0]+1]=1;

19 Comments + Add Comment

  • The source code from wiki is too overcomplicated. Here is mine that work with grid of integers:

    ~28ms for 1024×1024 array on my machine.

  • I guess, RemoveAt(0) takes 90% of the execution time.

    Since the order of list items is not very important, it’s better to change it into
    list[0] = list[list.Count – 1];
    list.RemoveAt(list.Count – 1];

    Here is my final source: http://pastebin.com/nYjM7Ana
    ~19ms on 1024×1024
    ~265ms on 4096×4096

    Right now I have no ideas how to make it faster.

    • yes, just tested with Queue(), instead of List(), the “source v3” is then ~10 times faster.

  • ~12ms on 1024×1024
    ~206ms on 4096×4096


  • ~6ms on 1024×1024
    ~140ms on 4096×4096


    FastQueue class from the last post has an error, here is the correct one: http://pastebin.com/GFPQ5nuN

    • Amazing! Case closed 🙂

    • If modify it to use bool[] map, it seems to get marginally faster (on even larger grids >8192).

  • http://pastebin.com/C6Dpsj6g

    10ms faster than the previous version on 4096×4096, but even less readable.

    • 🙂

      Other ideas that could be tested,

      – Can agree that all the borders are already blocked by 1pixel line, then no need to do boundary checking?
      – Threaded?
      – Using GPU/Compute shaders..?
      – ..

  • Some interesting link (related to optimisations)
    Square root calculation speed in Flash and Unity3D

  • sorry, when can you get sourceCode?

    • use those floodfill sources from alexzzzz, they are much faster.

    • Thanks for posting about it! I used one of alexzzzz’s flood fill algorithm examples as a base but found the big bottleneck to be comparing Color instances instead of ints or booleans. It makes it very slow, but I couldn’t think of a way to go around since I would still need to convert the ints to Colors to push the bitmap array back to the texture. Any ideas on how one of the fast algorithms would work with a array of Colors that the texture2d.GetPixels() provides?

      • Would Color32 work better?

        Or if want to make it super-amazing fast (including the time for texture.Apply()), should use LoadRawTextureData().

        • Switching to Color32 didn’t make much of a difference, it uses bytes but I guess it still has to do 4 comparisons (1 byte for r, g, b and a) instead of 1 for just an array of integers. LoadRawTextureData looks promising since I was thinking of having a buffer that would get copied only when you all Apply(). Unfortunately it’s undocumented so it’ll be a bit difficult but I think it looks like the best way to go.

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