
[AssetStore] Scene Object Isolator


This one got just accepted, small helper utility.

“Isolator” is a simple Unity editor plugin for isolating the selected object(s) (by hiding others).


*Edit: Works in GAME vindow, not in SCENE view (seems like it would need some manual redraw or update there..?)

– Current version: Scene needs to have Camera tagged as “MainCamera”


Ideas for future version(s):
– Take list of objects and if they are enabled or not (then can restore everything back to same values)
– Option for hiding everything completely (from hierarchy list)

5 Comments + Add Comment

  • You just set to disable all but the selected object, right? I was wondering why the limitation that turn everything on, seriously dangerous 🙁

    • Yes, and thats the problem.
      (Could be possible to keep list of active and de-activated items,
      but that might go easily broken, if some other script suddenly adds items to hierarchy or sets objects active/deactive..?)

      Hmm..actually better idea might be setting some temporary flag or component on each object that are used, then can keep track of them. I’ll try that.

      • You can try the hide flags:

        This way it will work much like Blender, hide everything else and some key combination reveal all back again. It hides everything from the Hierarchy also, letting you really focus on the objects that matter, you could even add some text to the hierarchy windows saying (some objects are hidden).

        The limitation is that unhiding would unhide all objects that had the flag for some reason, but I think it’s a very specific case and it’s not even worth of mentioning.

        • Thanks, doing some tests.
          (personally i wouldnt want to hide everything from hierarchy list, so that can pick other objects easily and maybe copy/check some values from there).

  • Bug:
    – If there is no Camera tagged as MainCamera, you get error from “if (obj != Camera.main.gameObject)”. That part is used to skip hiding the main camera, if your camera is disabled(hidden) then you cannot see anything in Game view..

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