WIP: Maze Generator (editor script)
MazeGenerator Editor script (actual maze algorithm from here)
Current status:
– Some problems with collisions(?)
– 100×100 is ok, 500×500 hangs unity..
– Note that it can build a good maze, but some problems with those plane collisions (it creates invidual mesh planes for the walls)
Maze generation source: (not very useful.. needs work)
1 Eur [digishop id=”13″] (download link comes to your email)
Includes: Demo scene, MazeGenerator (js), EditorScript (js), 2 sided diffuse material
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I need the Maze Genrator just for learning purposes. I am 15 in school just want to study how a 3d maze generator works. I have no money to donate unfortunately. Like I could pay you but then I dont have a credit card -.-”
If possible please email me the source code. Thanks.
This version still has some bugs.. you should try this, http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=MazeGenerator
Thanks for the reply.
I had tried this.
However this doesnt seem to do much for me. I made a thin cube in unity and added it as the tile
All it did was generate those tiles at random possitions on the scree. -.-“
my script creates single mesh planes for walls, but currently each of them is a single gameObject..so its slow. Would need to modify it to create optimized mesh & uv for the walls..
how about studying these algorithms,
Quick maze generator (script)
small maze game (LD29, with sources)
amazing maze tutorial: