Conversations with Apple Support :)
So I was trying to access one apple developer link the other day, but the link didnt work. I reported it to the support, which then replied:
I am following up with you regarding your issue accessing Link.
Please be advised that we recommend using Safari as your browser. The Safari browser works best with our links and Programs.
We ask at this time that you again try to access link using safari as your browser.<http://developer.apple.com/appstore/resources/volume/>
Well I contacted them again, asking that do I really have to install a new browser, just to view a 1 simple webpage??.. and the reply was:
Thank you for contacting Apple Developer Support regarding your issue accessing a link.
We apologize for any inconvenience that our recommendation of using a Safari browser may impose; however, the Safari browser works best with our links and Programs.We ask at this time that you again try to access link using safari as your browser.<http://developer.apple.com/appstore/resources/volume/>
Same thing happened before about making apps to iOS,
I was asking about using Adobe Flash to publish apps, the reply was:
You are required to use Xcode when developing applications.
To which I asked the same question again, do you mean that only xcode works, or I can publish with Flash and other dev. tools (windows based):
Xcode is the only tool that Apple Developers may use when developing applications. I hope that this clears up any questions that you may have.
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