Water Splash Screen Effect shader
Water Splash Screen Effect Distortion Shader (test). (With unity free, you cannot use render to texture, but you could probably do that with screenshot..(?)
This example is using just a plane with photo as a texture, should try with the screenshot later..
Background texture: cgtextures
Download source:
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Hi There,
Awesome effect! When do you think the source will be online?
I like to use it for my coin pusher gold game “iOS” when people win a watergun googie the screen will show that effect of yours.
added..let me know if it works on ios devices at all..(?)
I’m trying to download your source but link is broken.
Could you please fix the link.
Link should work, does it download at all, or jumps to the toolbar page?
Few people have had download problems when using Chrome.. temporary fix, use other browser for the download..
Link for sources not work (Firefox,Opera,Chrome).
Hmm.. strange thing,
I’ve tested it on 2 computers (firefox certainly works here)
And the toolbar is visible when you try to download?
How can i use this where i only have the water texture work over the actual in game camera. Ex have the water do its effect without the waterfall image in the back but still display in game content.
If using unity indie, have to make screenshot script to feed the camera view to shader, as in here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/indieeffects-bringing-almost-aaa-quality-post-process-fx-to-unity-indie.198568/ , (with pro could use rendertextures)
Thanks, this is cool!
I noticed that you had some commented-out code for a time slider. I thought that this might be an attempt to allow time to be scrubbed while the game was not playing, which is a cool idea for future time-based shaders. So I hooked it up properly, modified code is here:
thanks 🙂
[…] Water screen splash shader w/ time scrubbing in editor (modified from the one here) […]
[…] The distortion effect is just what so called “water refraction” shader, which is modified from the code: http://unitycoder.com/blog/2012/02/26/water-splash-screen-effect-shader/ […]
About rain effect (see the 2nd post links also)
awesome shader,thanks alot for sharing…..Can you share how can I change its color to red for showing something like blood drops?