Trajectory Test Scene 2.0
Using trajectory script from unity answers, this is a test for the Rampart prototype..
Would be nice to add the trajectory preview line also (I think I’ve seen that in the forums..) and some randomness or wind?
Red target mark is light projector, with custom image + modified blend mode in the projector shader (to make it brighter).
Wingdings-font has that target pointer character.
Version 2.0 (image#2)
– Added cannon tube rotation towards mouse
– Added cannon angle control with mouse scroll
– Added sounds (shoot & explosion)
– Explosion sound is delayed based on distance, not sure how to do exponential decay properly, now delay is: (exploDistance*exploDistance)*0.0001;
– Added particle effects, some rigidbodies on the ground, fog..
– Problems: Trajectory preview not accurate: used this code for spline: GetQuadraticCoordinates()) and this for the peak height calculation.
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/TrajectoryScene/ (v1.0 – always shooting at 45 degree angle..)
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Trajectory_scene2/ (v2.0)
Download source:
coming later..
Image#2: Updated version
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When is the source coming? I would love to implement this system in my game, as a side/minigame.
Added early bird (paid) download link.
Note: The trajectory preview line doesnt match the flying trajectory, but the hit target does.
Could you maybe upload this to the asset store as a “Completed Project”? I’d pay a couple bucks :]
I think its too bug’ed right now..(for example that preview trajectory doesnt match the actual route etc.)
Would be interested to buy this. Thanks
Is the source still available for purchase via paypal?
Yes, the automatic purchase link should work (if it doesnt, email me)
*But note that preview trajectory & actual ball trajectory doesnt match (it does hit the correct target position on ground, but it doesnt fly the exact same line.. as seen in that main image also)
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