A* PathFinder 2D & 3D
Converted this pathfinder to Unity: “Another faster version of A* (2D+3D) in C#” (by Roy Triesscheijn)
That was amazing: 0 errors when dragged those c# files into unity Oo!
Just added those boxes and linerenderer to draw the path.. (main image is 20x20x20 grid with random cubes)
also removed diagonal movement for now..
http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/AStarPathFinder3D/ (for some reason the linerenderer is not visible in webplayer..?)
Download source:
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Nice visualization, that was surely lacking in my tutorial. Glad to see it works so well in Unity.
Thanks! (uploaded the animated version now also)
This is fantastic, when will the source be uploaded?
I’ll try to add it next week..
ps. it got quite “stabbed” on my quick test, so it would be just easier to download the original source and use that 🙂
Source added. (ps. Textures are missing from the package..assing some materials for the boxes and the linerenderer..)
OpenPath: A simple, automatic A* implementation (open source) :
How would you go about easily making the pathfinding need to be grounded but capable of climbing stairs and going under overhangs
I guess i would try some 3rd party pathfinders, like:
(maybe there was some others also with nice features)
I actually purchased that asset, it doesn’t have anything to do with this pathfinding.
The particular application I am trying is here
Why would I use that asset and not this?
Feel free to add me on skype (ofrostieo) or chat to me on my teamspeak3 server uk-sf.com
ok, that looks more complex, no idea right now..