Fake Realtime Shadows With Surface Shader (v2.0)
New realtime dynamic super version of the “Fake Realtime Shadows With Surface Shader“!
Image#2: Purpose was to make 2D shadow casting..but resolution is not good enough..
Image#3: Or actually DX11 (#pragma target 5.0) gives extra ‘power’:
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This is exactly what I need for my fog of war implementation. Can you post code for this.
Would this work with DX9 and about 20 vision sources to generate a visibility mask of at least 512×512 (1024×1024 would be best)?
this one is the same system, except the mask update, test it first:
I have seen that one but it’s not obvious if it would see through a hole in the object as I see in this one. The tree for example has a nice shadow based on the leaves and branches.
Also the shadows are much smoother in this example.
Any chance you could tell me how you did this or post the source?
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