2D A* Pathfinding (wip 4)
Didn’t find any simple 2D A* for Unity, so started converting/modifying this (Fast A-Star (2D) Implementation for C# by Christoph Husse) into Unity to use with sprites on a 2D level/map.. Current progress: – Basic A* grid works (using texture/pixels grid) – Automatically generate walkable […]
using Visual Studio Community 2013 (Free) with Unity
“Visual Studio Community 2013 A Full-Featured IDE – FREE” (link) Some notes what it took to make it work (was pretty easy) Installing Visual Studio Community 2013 (FREE!) – Download: http://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/products/visual-studio-community-vs – Install (you can leave out those extras) – Restart – Start visual studio […]
Draw Munching Squares
Converted this php script into unity, while trying to keep it similar to original code.. again some difference in the output but close enough.. http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Munching_squares#PHP Source c# (MunchingSquares.cs)
Image To Grayscale Script
Quick test trying to convert this Basic256 script into Unity c# (trying to keep it close to original code..) maybe still some problems as the output seems darker than the example.. http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Grayscale_image#BASIC256 Source C# (Image2Grayscale.cs)
Draw Ascii Sphere
Just for fun tried to convert this LUA script into unity c#, Original source: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Draw_a_sphere#Lua *Note this source outputs the file into spheredump.txt file (at project root folder) C# Source ( DrawSphere.cs ) *not optimized..
Cave scene test
Just a quick cave scene test during few coffee breaks.. its only using unity primitives, 1 cloth and couple substance materials (+image effects on the pro version) Webplayer (with pro effects) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/CaveScene/ (~1mb) Without image effects (unity indie) With pro Image Effects (unity pro) […]
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