Mobius strip Mesh Generator
^Current results.. drawn with Debug.Drawline() for now..
Trying to create möbius strip mesh using a script..
Founded some formulas here: (and it even has .obj exporter, but rather do it inside unity..)
– Build mesh (möbius strip)
** Well there is now better ready working unity version available here: https://bitbucket.org/alexzzzz/procedural-shapes-for-unity
So this one was not finished, here is the current source: (MobiusMaker.cs)
// Mobius strip formula from http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/CSharp_Free_Code/3D/Download_Helix_3D_Toolkit.htm // Not finished.. (Enable Gizmos in GameView to see lines) using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MobiusMaker : MonoBehaviour { void Start () { float pi = Mathf.PI; float x=0f,y=0f,z=0f; Vector3 pos = Vector3.zero; Vector3 oldPos = Vector3.zero; int n = 100; int m = 10; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { float u = 1.0f * i / (n - 1); for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) { float v = 1.0f * j / (m - 1); int ij = (i * m) + j; u *= 2f * pi; v = -1f + 2f * v; float c1 = Mathf.Sin(u); float c2 = Mathf.Cos(u); float c3 = Mathf.Sin(u/2); float c4 = Mathf.Cos(u/2); x = c2+v*c4*c2; y = c1+v*c4*c1; z = v*c3; pos.Set(x,y,z); Debug.DrawLine(pos+new Vector3(0,0.01f,0),pos,Color.green, 100); } } } }
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