[Giveaway] Terrain Data Rotator *finished
Yay, todays giveaway: Terrain Rotator, quite useless tool in most cases, but anyways, it can rotate terrain data.. https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/21303 * Ok, thanks! Finished. Sending vouchers on sunday. Rules: First 12 people to reply in the comments section will get a free unity asset store […]
Leap Motion PassThrough Threshold Shader
You can add adjustable threshold to Leap Motion passthrough shader, so that your hands are more visible (less transparent) in the overlay image. TUTORIAL – Download unity examples package, https://developer.leapmotion.com/downloads/unity – Import package to Unity – Open “PassthroughWithTracking.scene” – Select “Quad” from hierarchy – Enable […]
LCD Snake [Android Game]
Small test game published for Android, bit hard to play in the end because of the delay from touch..(at least on slow android device) All of it is pretty much using the new UI and game area is UI RawTexture. Google Play: (free) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unitycoder.lcdsnake
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