[LudumDare33] You are the Monster
LudumDare GameJam, Worst theme ever, but gotta try still 🙂
Started couple hours ago, heading towards failure still..
Ludum Dare entry:
Things learned:
> Using multiple cameras with image effects causes problems, all layers will get the effect, even though the Camera with effect can only see single layer
Temporary solution: Add image effect camera as lowest Depth, then only that camera view gets the effect, but still would need it to appear above the other objects and cannot use any background image either..
> Next time have ready code templates in project
Would save time, instead of writing basic player movement, physics2D raycasts all over again
> WebGL is still broken..,
Random crashes at start (sometimes works, sometimes doesnt, no time to start debugging what is causing it)
Suddenly got error dialog that “seems like your browser doesnt support webgl from file:/// links..”, while it worked fine before ><
Image#2: Still no game..
Image#3: Level walls are done, now need to add enemies, some kind of goal for the game, no time for testing.. Quite happy about the blur effect though (its just modified from standard image effects)
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Coolness 67%
#174 Innovation(Jam) 3.50
#218 Theme(Jam) 3.83
#311 Mood(Jam) 3.40
#465 Graphics(Jam) 3.53
#518 Overall(Jam) 3.22
#521 Fun(Jam) 3.06
#551 Humor(Jam) 2.73