
[Vuforia + XCode] CARWrapper.bundle specifies a non-existent file for the CFBundle


Had this error message coming up all day, until founded the fix:
Either this
or just delete the (QCARWrapper.bundle) reference in xcode project view from that plugins/ folder.

^main image: First tried settings bundle as [x] Editor, [x] Standalone only, but still seemed to cause issues in xcode build..

Other xcode archiving issues with entitlements were solved by deleting all old provision profiles,
letting xcode select code sign profiles, creating new universal distribution provision profile in apple developer center..

Some of the errors encountered when publishing vuforia plugin project from from unity to xcode, then trying to Archive and build IPA file.

Missing entitlements when trying to build ipa file: (not sure what solved it eventually, but removing all the developer profiles in xcode and adding back seemed to help..)

No matching provisioning profiles found for "" None of the valid provisioning profiles allowed the specified entitlements: beta-reports-active, keychain-access-groups..

In the error log “DVTCodesignResolver.log”: This was probably happening because tried to archive distribute ad-hoc ipa, instead of enterprise..

 (Profile type ad-hoc doesn't allow profile: profile may not be a universal profile) 

Error images:

“The file “Unity-Phone.ipa” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.” : Strange error since i was just trying to build the .ipa here.. Also note the “QCarWrapper.bundle” is causing the error.


This error was below the ipa not found, so i guess thats why ipa didnt exists..

Image#3: Working build settings (provisioning profile is “iOS UniversalDistribution”, with AppID: “YourAppID (*)”)





Image#4: One more error encountered: “Can’t install application – CFBundleExecutable is not specified”



That was solved by adding “Executable file” property with value “${EXECUTABLE_NAME}” into info.plist


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