Random Steam Keys Giveaway (finished)
GIVEAWAY! Random steam keys (games) : 15 keys total *Finished!
– Write comment below with link to your favorite or interesting open source (free) unity projects
– Only 1 steam key per user is given (you can still post more links if you have good ones)
– Remember to use a working email address when you write the comment
– Keys are given in order of the comments sent (note that some comments might not appear until approved)
Amazing free ocean : https://github.com/eliasts/Ocean_Community_Next_Gen
– What kind of games those keys are? (mostly unclaimed humble bundle games, but some are separately purchased keys, actually a playable game : )
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SuperCharacterController: https://github.com/IronWarrior/SuperCharacterController
nice one, havent seen that before! (and will emailing the key within this week)
Cool. It’s made by the guy who did the Super Mario 64 HD Unity project earlier this year: https://roystanross.wordpress.com/super-mario-64-hd/
I like this 2d platformer system, just wonderfull!
My starred ones:
and this https://github.com/daffodilistic/SimpleDecalSystemMod
I use it very often, great one π
Inverse of Control and injection binding system for Unity. Can be hard to debug so use it wisely π
Good with medium/large project due to easy maintainability.
Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing: https://github.com/Chman/SMAA-Unity
Here is a nice single-file ini file parser you can use for config stuff. It’s nice
for when JSON is just too much.
This one is awesome!
For pixel art lovers, this open source 2d camera is a must. The funny thing is I didn’t even realize I needed a tool like this until I saw it. It really does make it look like the old-school pixel art video games.
I was excited to learn about the open source release of MassiveNet:
I am just trying to wrap my head around it as I am mostly an artist with some programming experience. π
Not sure if this counts, but they finally open sourced Badumna about a year ago on Bitbucket:
this is a nice implementation for Finite State Machines with IEnumerators.
I pretty decent Input Manager (Much better than Unity’s built it input system)
Has a lot of features like key rebinding, and an input adapter that allows the player to switch controllers pretty seamlessly.
Now sending the keys, if you already have the same game(s)..give the key to some friends then π
Well i show some repos and projects that i use.
UniLauncher (Open Souce Launcher and Login System) Hosted in SourceForge
CUDAfy.NET(Open Source for GPGPU using OpenCL & CUDA) have a example to include in Unity3D. Hosted in CodePlex
uState(Open Source State Machine Alternative)
Nodify (Open Soure Project for Visual Scripting).
Well i hope someone we be help in develop with Unity3D
wow, many interesting projects came out of this topic. thanx!
This package really makes my day, everyday. Unity support for the epic spriter software by Brash Monkey.
Love the tutorials by this guy I learnt so much from him