
Open & Play MIDI Files with winmm.dll in Unity


Yay – Playing Midi files in unity!

– Works on PC only
– If you make a build, midi files wont be included automatically (unless they are in StreamingAssets folder, havent tested it though..)

– Midi code from
– MidiOutCaps c# struct from
– Get midi files from internets, like:

Source: (attach to gameobject in scene, set proper midi path inside PlayMidi())

// Midi Player –
// MidiOutCaps struct from
// Midi code from
// USAGE: set proper path+filename inside PlayMidi(), attach this scrip to gameobject in scene and hit play!
// Get midi files from internets, like:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
public class MidiPlayer : MonoBehaviour
static string res;
public const int MAXPNAMELEN = 32;
public struct MidiOutCaps
public short wMid;
public short wPid;
public int vDriverVersion;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MAXPNAMELEN)]
public string szPname;
public short wTechnology;
public short wVoices;
public short wNotes;
public short wChannelMask;
public int dwSupport;
// MCI INterface
private static extern long mciSendString(string command, StringBuilder returnValue, int returnLength, System.IntPtr winHandle);
// Midi API
private static extern int midiOutGetNumDevs();
private static extern int midiOutGetDevCaps(System.Int32 uDeviceID, ref MidiOutCaps lpMidiOutCaps, System.UInt32 cbMidiOutCaps);
private static extern int midiOutOpen(ref int handle, int deviceID, MidiCallBack proc, int instance, int flags);
private static extern int midiOutShortMsg(int handle, int message);
private static extern int midiOutClose(int handle);
private delegate void MidiCallBack(int handle, int msg, int instance, int param1, int param2);
static string Mci(string command)
StringBuilder reply = new StringBuilder(256);
mciSendString(command, reply, 256, System.IntPtr.Zero);
return reply.ToString();
void Start()
var numDevs = midiOutGetNumDevs();
MidiOutCaps myCaps = new MidiOutCaps();
var res = midiOutGetDevCaps(0, ref myCaps, (System.UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(myCaps));
static void PlayMidi()
res = System.String.Empty;
// set path to midi file here
string filename = Application.dataPath + "/Mids/" + "commando.mid";
Debug.Log("Loading midi:" + filename);
res = Mci("open \"" + filename + "\" alias music");
res = Mci("play music");
void OnDestroy()
res = Mci("close music");
void OnDisable()
res = Mci("close music");

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