Visual Studio Snippet Generator Online
Didn’t find any easy or working snippets generator for VS, so made one with javascript:
New page:
Collecting some useful snippets here *currently just 1 there : )
Feel free to post ideas for most common snippets.. personally i’d like to add always needed things like coroutine color fade/lerp position, getaxis controls, lookat specific axis..
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Awesome job, keep up the good work.
Needs beautification, try to use Bootstrap, we can buy a domain and host for the snippet generator and make it a little more beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.
yeah..not much of an front end designer : D, also most of those fields seems to be optional, so can make it much simpler.
could host it here also in some subdomain, once its in better state..
I can do the front end work, don’t worry about it, just create a place to host it, then i will do all of them.
Excellent little tools. it saves me much time