Read File from Oculus Quest /sdcard/ Folder
New 2023 (more limitations) “This is because the Quest OS v53 now uses Android 12, which limits the way apps can access storage. From the developers of Polysketch: – No Access— /sdcard/Polysketch/– Can create folders, but not files— /sdcard/Android/Polysketch/– Full folder & file creation— /sdcard/Android/Android/data/com.PolysketchLLC.Polysketch/files […]
Deploy to Android device with wireless connection
Using windows Command Prompt: // check if your device is presentadb devices// get device ip address (see inet row) adb shell ip addr show wlan0// enable tcpip and portadb tcpip 5555// connect device (use your device ip address)adb connect Now you can remove usb […]
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