Shader: Color Cycling
Color Cycling Shader test, because.
Shader Source:

How it works?
Gray color value is used to pick color from the gradient, if gray texture pixel is 0.5, then you get that turquoise color from gradient texture.

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Ooooh… Retro palette shifting could make a comeback!
I tried this but i only get red color even if i change the speed parameter. Don’t know why, but I want to use this shader a lot 🙁
if you assign this shader to default sphere,
with Default-Particle as grayscale texture,
and the gradient png from above, do you get this kind of image?
Thanks a lot for this. I actually used it for making some animated backgrounds like in Earthbound and had some pretty good results!
This is working and great! Thank you for making it! I did managed to expend upon this with a mask feature, because I couldn’t found one with a mask. So if anyone wants a masked version of this you can get it here: https://github.com/KarsaiTamas/Unity-Color-Cycle-shader-with-Mask/tree/main
thanks for sharing!