Old School Scrolling Text with Shaders, RenderTexture
Tried to make scrolling text using shaders and text mesh, video below (results at 59 mins -> ) Shader Sources:(one for text mesh, one for UI RawImage that displays camera view as rendertexture)
Use custom Editor fonts
Go to Unity installation folder,Start notepad as an Administrator,then edit file: \Editor\Data\Resources\fontsettings.txt Add your custom fonts there:
Unity Asset Store MegaBundle (October 2021)
New Asset Store MegaBundle, have a free referral link here:https://assetstore.unity.com/mega-bundles/fill-your-toolbox?aid=1101lGti(From October 13, 2021 00:00:00 PT through October 31, 2021, 23:59:59 PT)
[GreaseMonkey] Better Pixel Art viewer for itch.io
Default itch.io image viewer is horrible for small pixel art, so here is Firefox Greasemonkey plugin to make the viewer full screen and use pixel scaling. Example page:https://0x72.itch.io/16×16-dungeon-tileset
Shader Effects Test
Inspired from https://twitter.com/chiba_akihito/status/1438088953878302725 Part #1 (Project sources) Part #2 (source not available)
Checking ArcGIS Maps SDK Unity plugin (Beta)
Looks great! “ArcGIS Maps SDK for Unity is a plugin developed by Esri that enables access to real world maps and 3D content from the ArcGIS Platform. This plugin provides samples, an Inspector UI, and an API to create interactive, photorealistic 3D and XR experiences […]
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Recent Comments
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