UnityHub 3.6.0: Remove Version Control & Cloud Dashboard columns
- Install 7zip https://www.7-zip.org/
- Install ASAR plugin for 7zip https://www.tc4shell.com/en/7zip/asar/
- Close Hub completely (from notification bar also)
- Run 7zip manager as Administrator
- Browse into C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\ folder
- 7zip: Open app.asar file
- 7zip: Browse into build/renderer/ folder
- 7zip: Right click on “index.html” and select Edit
- Notepad opens, press ctrl+F to search: </head>
- Notepad: Press enter before the </head> tag (to add new lines there)
- Notepad: Paste following CSS style inside head tag: https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/dc012222230c26dec631b4004063fc7f
- Notepad: Press Save (ctrl+s)
- Close notepad – ‘File index.html weas modified, do you want to update… Click OK to save
- After save has finished, run Unity Hub normally (columns should be hidden now)
If you broke something, install hub again. (or better if you had taken backup copy of app.asar before modifying it)
You could modify other parts too, like remove excess padding from those rows..
Older post about customizing colors
You can also write python script to automatically modify template
Updated hub patcher here: (to do the above modification automatically using python+npx)
Installing older hub version:
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