UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
Just noticed that Unity Hub has builtin login dialog system hidden inside! Steps– Unpack your app.asar, see info https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityHubModding– Open Unity Hub\resources\app\build\main\services\authService\AuthService.js// Find lineif ((0, appDefaultProtocolClientHelpers_1.isUnityHubProtocolHandled)()) {// replace with (to make this “if” be false, so that createLoginWindow gets called instead)if (1==0 && (0, appDefaultProtocolClientHelpers_1.isUnityHubProtocolHandled)()) […]
Use TikTok-TTS in Unity (with WebRequest)
Was watching some weird physics based game developed at https://www.twitch.tv/clayman_dev and they used node.js+tiktok TTS to play funny text-to-speech sounds! Then found this library, https://github.com/Steve0929/tiktok-tts (took a while to get it working as node.js, due to sessionid+server mismatch, but posted solution here https://github.com/Steve0929/tiktok-tts/issues/17 ) Then […]
Create Scene Thumbnail Image using OnSceneSaved & OnPreviewGUI
Testing about creating Scene Preview image from Scene Camera view, when scene is savedand then display that preview image when scene is selected! Resources:– https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/SceneManagement.EditorSceneManager-sceneSaved.html– https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Editor.OnPreviewGUI.html Forum thread: (where i got the idea to try)https://forum.unity.com/threads/2024-and-still-no-snapshot.1575175/ Source:https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/b740b9db92e454d83ade8528d5e1f382 VIDEO: (making of) New: One other alternative,can use RenderStaticPreview […]
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