[LudumDare53] Delivery
Well at least got something published for the jam:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/53/whups-tmTotal working time was ~7hrs. Wheeljoint2D looks interesting, just would have to learn how to setup good values.. Making of videos: (1/6)
Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023: Trials Of the Mage
Lessons Learned:– Don’t use latest Unity Alpha release (encountered some bugs..)– Do game play first! Then you have more time left to play with fun stuff (effects, code..)– Don’t rest in the early days, i saw the event had +5 days left, so i didn’t […]
[LudumDare52] Theme: Harvest
Small bot programming game, sadly has only 2 commands to use in this initial version.. ldjam entry:https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/52/harvest-bot Making Of video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B7P3mS4_i4 Ideas for future (if want to extend this later..)– More features (sensor to direction, shoot, enemies, destroyable objects )– Play against other bots in same […]
[$250 Bounty] Build this scene in Unity
Lets try something new, I’ll offer 250usd bounty to whoever makes the best 3D scene based on this image above, using Unity. *Scene should be 3D, you can use mesh instead of terrain, no FPS limit (so it can be heavy scene with lots of […]
[LudumDare35] ShapeShifter
Unfinished ludumdare entry, planned to make some cellular automata/game of life – shapes fighting against player, but didn’t have time to take part this time, got only this far in few hours: WebGL player: https://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/LD35/ LD Entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-35/?action=preview&uid=27533
[LudumDare34] Growing, Two Button Controls
Tried 2-3 different ideas first, but both were horrible (and tried to fit both themes to the game) then finally started on this on sunday – at least its playable.. >< LudumDare entry: http://ludumdare.com/compo/ludum-dare-34/?action=preview&uid=27533 — Game view:
[LeapMotionJam] Happy Little Painter
Quick entry for Leap Motion Jam.. Happy Little Painter 🙂 Download here for PC (*LeapMotion controller is required to play this) http://itch.io/jam/leapmotion3djam/rate/42579 Github link for intructions, reporting bugs or feature requests: https://github.com/unitycoder/HappyLittlePainterLeapMotion Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leapmotion/comments/3s5nlz/happy_little_painter_3djam_leap_painter/
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