Converted this javascript quadtree (by The Coding Train) to Unity using texture2d *not complete with all the features yet though, but can add points by clicking texture with mouse. Unity Project https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityQuadtreeInTexture Original source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJxEcs0w_kE
Upgrading old 5.5 project to 2017.4 LTS
So had to upgrade one old Android+iOS cardboard app into newer unity version.. (Due to old unity doesn’t support latest apple os updates [link], missing new app store image sizes [link], some plugins are getting fixes/updates to newer versions, Android google play has new requirements […]
QuickStart: Unity Visual Shader Editor
tl;dr, use beta10+, install Render-pipelines-lightweight with Package Manager, create/rendering/lightweight pipeline asset, assign it to graphics settings, create/shader/unlit graph, double click to edit in visual editor! Install & Use Visual Shader Editor – Download and install Unity Beta : https://unity3d.com/unity/beta-download – Create New Empty Project – […]
Checking Last Known Good Position For A Car In The Track
Working on a small StuntCarRacer-inspired game with a friend. Some note here about how to get car to return last known good position in the track. Problems and Requirements – Player gets stuck hanging in side of the track (1 or more tires hanging outside, […]
Visual Studio Snippet Generator Online
Didn’t find any easy or working snippets generator for VS, so made one with javascript: New page: http://tools.unitycoder.com/VisualStudioSnippetsGenerator/ Collecting some useful snippets here *currently just 1 there : ) https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityVisualStudioSnippets Feel free to post ideas for most common snippets.. personally i’d like to add […]
Android Build Error: Error: String types not allowed (at ‘configChanges’..
Tried to build simple Cardboard + GVR scene with Unity 2017.3b4, but kept getting this error: CommandInvokationFailure: Failed to re-package resources. ***\android-sdk\build-tools\25.0.2\aapt.exe package –auto-add-overlay -v -f -m -J “gen” -M “AndroidManifest.xml” -S “res” -I “***android-sdk\platforms\android-23\android.jar” -F bin/resources.ap_ –extra-packages com.google.vr.cardboard:com.unity3d.unitygvr -S “***Game\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\gvr\res” -S “***Game\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\unitygvr\res” stderr[ AndroidManifest.xml:5: […]
Drawing 2D lines and Adding Collider to it
Hi awesome reader! In our past tutorial “How to Draw Line” we discussed about drawing a line in the game by mouse interaction. But sometimes we need to draw a line that collides with our game objects in 2D mode. So we need to add […]
Unity Launcher (handle different projects & unity versions easily)
It was almost midnight, I wanted to open certain project with a specific unity version, just to check something before going to sleep.. but clicked the wrong icon (not the first time, got plenty of them on the desktop), waited that long unity boot-up time […]
Drawing Lines
Hi dear reader! In this tutorial we want to learn how to draw a line in unity by user mouse movement and interaction. First we need a component that would be able to render simple lines. Our choice is Line Renderer, this component is able […]
Browser plugin: Add Copy-button to unity scripting docs
Using GreaseMonkey (Firefox) the script below will add Copy-to-clipboard-button into scripts at unity documentation website. – Supports multiple scripts per page – New: Adds copy button to forum code snippets also *Best used with this unity editor plugin (so its 1 click to copy from […]
Recent posts
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- Customize SpriteShapeRenderer quality (but has issues)
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- Editor tool: Replace string in selected gameobject’s names
- UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
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Recent Comments
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- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
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- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
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- Install Android SDK+JDK+NDK for Unity (without AndroidStudio or Unity Hub) on
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