Painting holes with shader v1.0
mHolePainter v1.0 Using a shader from http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dissolve_With_Texture we can paint “holes” to the cutout texture. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mholepainter1/ Download: mHolePainter1.UnityPackage
Black light shader (fake shadow)
My first shader test. I know there is already blob shadow, using “projector”, but wanted to try editing some shader examples. You set this shader to the object you want to receive black light from the spotlight. Instructions: Get the original code for the shader: […]
Latitude Longitude on 3D sphere
Testing sphere (earth), with latitude longitude positions. (Texture is just thrown in there and sphere is rotated 197′ to get roughly correct positions, tested atleast few cities) Maybe could use this with GeoIP, News location plotting, Weather news plotter, GPS data, Twitter, GoogleMaps api etc..? […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v3.0
Testing different technique – Capsule (but bit too low poly & capsulecollider not so good for this..) – ‘Infinity plane’ for cutting ( http://unity3d.com/support/documenta…nce/Plane.html ) – Using “Plane.GetSide” to check which side the vertex is – if its above cutplane, move it down with distance […]
Fake Mesh Slicer v2.0
Another test scene: – with cylinder, sideways. webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/slicer2/ a/d = move cylinder space = slice mouse = drag objects download: fakeslicer2.unitypackage
Fake Mesh Slicer v1.0
Just a test project.. : ) FakeSlicer – Slicing a box (but not really) – It works by adjusting box size/vertices and cloning a prefab box as a new slice object – Sliceplane is “fake”, just Y value is used for getting a location – […]
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