Waves Shader
Tried to create similar waves in shader as this tweet: https://twitter.com/akivaw/status/1226681850564956160 Shader source:https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/7b501f5d6af03dbabd48c16c08767fe3*2 pass shader to draw underwater slightly differently
Basic Ray Marching Shader
Converted this ray marching for dummies-shader into unity. Shader Source:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Special/RayMarching.shader
Modified Standard shader to start fading based on Camera Y distance
Needed this kind of effect for a small game, where:– objects below would be faded out– player can move up and down (fade should “follow”)– realtime lights should be supported basically like the old unity global fog for height, but that one doesn’t work with […]
Enable HDR Color picker for Shader or Script
I needed HDR color for some old Unlit/Color-shader, and for c# script also, found out that you can add this attribute for the shader: And for the script: More info:https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ColorUsageAttribute.htmlhttps://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-Properties.html Also make sure your Camera has [x] HDR enabled
Scrolling Texture Plotter using CustomRenderTexture
Saw interesting question in the forums (link) about drawing plotter like data that would scroll up, got idea about custom rendertextures (since it was similar to this effect) Basic idea: – use CustomRenderTexture, double buffered so it can read from itself – draw color32 array […]
Marching Ants Sprite Outline Shader
Saw interesting question here https://forum.unity.com/threads/animated-outline-effects-using-shader.600028/ and unity sprite outline https://github.com/wlgys8/Sprites-Outline + stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/a/16856878/5452781 to the rescue! (although this is for 2D sprite..) Results: TODO – Test how this would look with screenspace values (to keep same size even if zoomed) – Maybe could check neighbor pixel […]
Sprite Sheet Flip Book Shader
Converted this old animated sprite sheet script into shader, its useful for animating sprites from sprite sheet. (when Animator is too heavy for simple sprite animation) Could be extended to have billboard option. Shader source: *Updated: 30/11/18 to fix index wrapping and UV direction https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Shaders/2D/Sprites/FlipBook.shader […]
HSV Debugging and Color Match Shader
Quick test for color matching using shader, by converting colors into HSV and comparing target color with h-s-v threshold values. See Shader source at the bottom. (main image: Changing target color, shows inverted color for the texture in that matching hue position) Shader has different […]
Fire Effect Using CustomRenderTexture
Converted this fire effect (by The Coding Train) into unity customrendertexture + shader. Added fire gradient color (by moving the fire calculation into alpha channel). Unity Project Sources https://github.com/unitycoder/FireEffect References CustomRenderTexture (was added to unity in 2017.1) https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/CustomRenderTextures.html Keijiros example project (reaction-diffusion) https://github.com/keijiro/RDSystem Fire Effect […]
[Shader] Draw World Space UI Always On Top
If you want to draw UI in VR (for example Google Cardboard), it doesn’t support ScreenSpace rendermode in canvas.. So all the UI’s are using WorldSpace RenderMode.. which causes issues when UI goes behind geometry. Fix: You can modify UI shader to disable ZTest Shader […]
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