(news) Nano Tech for Unity
Most exiting plugin for unity, they have crowdfunding running (i’ve already backed, so should you!) “A fast rendering system for highly detailed meshes, made for Unity. Supports HDRP / URP / Built-in” https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-unity-improver-nano-tech/x/1801544
(Sources) Fog Of War – effect
Finally uploaded this old fog of war test project from https://unitycoder.com/blog/2014/10/16/2d-fog-of-war-unity/ Its raycast + vertex color based effect. (not really optimized, as it linecasts each vertex right now..) Sources:https://github.com/unitycoder/FogOfWar Cleaning up the project and upgrading from 4.x:
LudumDare#50: Delay the inevitable
Small game (in the jam-category as the sound fx’s are taken from freesound)https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/50/wobbly-plankster Includes global hiscore list! Recorded few clips while working on it,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-oNFXkMX04 (part 1/5)
Customize UnityHub colors
It seems to be common request to have light color theme as an option for the new unity 3.0 hub.. so, while unity is working on that(?), you can edit and customize the hub yourself! Steps (New 06.03.2022, see comments for info that can edit […]
Using OPEN AI GPT-3 API in Unity
** 10.01.2023: New example project here, uses webrequest, doesn’t require any DLL files https://unitycoder.com/blog/2023/01/10/using-openai-api-with-webrequest-from-unity/ ** Download OpenAI dll (netstandard2.0): https://www.nuget.org/packages/OpenAI/ (*click Download Package on right side) Download required (netstandard2.0) dll files: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions/ https://www.nuget.org/packages/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe/ Unzip downloaded *.nupgk files (using 7zip, or rename them as *.zip) […]
Probably Not Quite Accurate Judo-Wrestling Simulator’2022
Saturday game idea project, 2 player physics and joints battle!Published under company account here:https://kelobyte.itch.io/probably-not-quite-accurate-judo-wrestling-simulator *free download
Unity Forums Auto Select Current SubForum in Search (GreaseMonkey script)
Someone suggested in the forums that forums search page could auto-select current sub-board. Tested it quickly with GreaseMonkey and seems to work well, here’s the source: Related topic:https://forum.unity.com/threads/suggestions-for-the-search-forum-functionality.1115584/
Compress WebGL build manually from command line (brotli)
Building brotli compressed webgl release can take hours (if you have large 3d models in the project..), and you cannot do anything with the project while unity is compressing it. Solution:Make (really fast) uncompressed builds from unity,then compress the webgl data files manually from commandline! […]
Marching Squares
Unity version of the basic Marching Squares tutorial from The Coding Train https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZONMNUKTfU Project: *Note: Enable Gizmos to see debug lines in Game Windowhttps://github.com/unitycoder/MarchingSquares recording from live streamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR2fc7U9hME
LineRenderer with Outline Shader
Tried using sprite outline shader with LineRenderer, works surprisingly well References:Sprite shader source: https://forum.unity.com/threads/help-to-find-an-asset-solution.755273/#post-5246960 (2nd shader in that post)Forum topic: https://forum.unity.com/threads/achieve-a-stroke-transparent-effect-with-the-line-renderer.999682/
Recent posts
- MotionVector Effect: Object “disappears” when paused
- [GreaseMonkey] Unity Forum Fixer
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent
- Customize SpriteShapeRenderer quality (but has issues)
- Editor tool: Copy selected gameobject’s names into clipboard as rows (for Excel)
- Editor tool: Replace string in selected gameobject’s names
- UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
- Use TikTok-TTS in Unity (with WebRequest)
- Create Scene Thumbnail Image using OnSceneSaved & OnPreviewGUI
- webgl+javascript TTS
- Using Moonsharp (LUA) + Unity Webgl
- Using 3D gameobject prefabs with Unity Tilemap + NavMesh Surface
Recent Comments
- Using RenderDoc with Unity (graphics debugger) on
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- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
- Vector3 maths for dummies! on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- Install Android SDK+JDK+NDK for Unity (without AndroidStudio or Unity Hub) on