Fake Blur Ideas for Unity Indie
Lets say we have a single colored mesh like in the image above and we want to blur it (with unity indie..).. Ideas to try: Glow effect shader? (no glow in indie..but can have something similar, doesnt work with planes yet..) Take screenshot of the […]
Radial Blur Shader
Using the same godrays shader, you get nice radial blur effect for images. This one is also modified to use objectUV, instead of screenUV, so you can rotate the plane around.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Radial_Blur_shader_unity/ *webplayer broken in current unity webplayer version? Shader source:
Conversations with Apple Support :)
So I was trying to access one apple developer link the other day, but the link didnt work. I reported it to the support, which then replied: I am following up with you regarding your issue accessing Link. Please be advised that we recommend using […]
Vector3 maths for dummies!
Yay! The best & easiest vector3 math tutorials so far! https://processing.org/tutorials/pvector Also check out these videos: Vector Dot Product and Vector Length http://www.khanacademy.org/video/vector-dot-product-and-vector-length?playlist=Linear+Algebra More good videos on the site: http://www.khanacademy.org
City gen for 29usd (offer has finished, price is now 79usd)
Hi, ShareIt offer, if enought people join in, they are selling city gen software for 29usd. http://www.gamr7.com/init/urban_pad/special The Ürban PAD ShareIt! Special We’re very excited to announce the Ürban PAD ShareIt! Special. For two weeks, get the powerful Ürban PAD modeling suite for just $29. […]
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Recent Comments
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