UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent
You can modify UnityHub to enable Translucent Background!*Note Win10, you need to have transparent color enabled in settings: https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/transparent-taskbar-win-10.html Steps:– Follow initial steps to unpack asar https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityHubModding– edit app/build/renderer/index.html, add line: html, body, #app {background-color: rgba(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 0.2) !important;}– edit app/build/main/windowManager/baseWindow.js// find lineconst backgroundColor […]
UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
Just noticed that Unity Hub has builtin login dialog system hidden inside! Steps– Unpack your app.asar, see info https://github.com/unitycoder/UnityHubModding– Open Unity Hub\resources\app\build\main\services\authService\AuthService.js// Find lineif ((0, appDefaultProtocolClientHelpers_1.isUnityHubProtocolHandled)()) {// replace with (to make this “if” be false, so that createLoginWindow gets called instead)if (1==0 && (0, appDefaultProtocolClientHelpers_1.isUnityHubProtocolHandled)()) […]
Custom Unity Hub Project Template Preview Image/Video (using HTML+CSS in package description)
Steps WARNING! VIDEO forum post: https://forum.unity.com/threads/workaround-custom-icon-and-preview-image-for-your-new-project-templates.1554800/
UnityHub: Enable Create Project Button (without having to select Cloud Organization)
UnityHub: Add support for custom project title (instead of folder name) or use ProductName
This request has been open since 2018..https://forum.unity.com/threads/renaming-projects.514061/ So had to test it myself and seems to be really simple (*** as a proof of concept, i don’t know it the Title value affects something else) Steps: So then it uses same ProjectName.txt file like my […]
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