LCD Snake [Android Game]
Small test game published for Android, bit hard to play in the end because of the delay from touch..(at least on slow android device) All of it is pretty much using the new UI and game area is UI RawTexture. Google Play: (free) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unitycoder.lcdsnake
Back From Afar [Android Game]
Did some programming for this small game (its local Expa Game Club project, 8 members) Download free: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.EXPA.BackFromAfar Screenshots:
One More Move [Android game]
Published small test game for android, its based on the LudumDare#28 game, Google Play (free download): Website: http://games.unitycoder.com/OneMoreMove
“Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets”
Uploaded Android .APK to Google Play, but getting this message: “Design your app for tablets: Your APK does not seem to be designed for tablets.” Tested (didn’t help) Tried modifying 7″ and 10″ screenshots: no effect // (some pages said that if there is too […]
Publishing to OUYA from Unity3D
Huh took some time to setup Unity (indie or pro) to work with OUYA. Most of these notes are from the official documentation, the forum and other blogs, i’ve just collected all the steps that it took me to install everything. (it was quite a […]
Free Android/iOS Basic Licenses
Yay! Breaking news! David Helgason just announced: mobile deployment with Unity is now free for all indie developers. Unity’s iOS and Android basic add-ons are yours, no royalties, no fees. also, In the coming months, we will make Blackberry 10 and Windows Phone 8 deployment […]
Texture Paint with Soft Brush
Now that the Android Basic is free, trying to make a simple multi-finger painter program as a test.. Current features: – Orthographic camera, with full view sized drawing plane (see forum: Creating plane of dynamic sizes) – Special shader that uses that drawing texture as […]
Unity Mobile Basic for free (get it before 8.4.2012)
what..Oo? We are excited to offer #unity3d Mobile Basic for FREE! Download by April 8 to save up to $800! https://store.unity3d.com/ http://twitter.com/#!/unity3d/statuses/176732736445358080 (noo..servers are down..) *edit: got it..hmm..just need free android & ipad now..Oo?
Recent posts
- MotionVector Effect: Object “disappears” when paused
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- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent
- Customize SpriteShapeRenderer quality (but has issues)
- Editor tool: Copy selected gameobject’s names into clipboard as rows (for Excel)
- Editor tool: Replace string in selected gameobject’s names
- UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
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- webgl+javascript TTS
- Using Moonsharp (LUA) + Unity Webgl
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Recent Comments
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- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
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