Run Unity Cloud Build based on Github Commit message using Github Actions
This should had been easy, but unity cloud build system has every secret id hidden in different places and using different names.. Create github action (click Actions from your repository) click “Skip this and set up a workflow yourself” copy ready to use script from: […]
Game Cloud [Sponsor of the Month]
Thanks to GAME CLOUD! (Authoritative Cloud Engine for Multi-Player Games with Unity) for being the sponsor the last month 🙂 Go check them out: http://game-cloud.org/ — They have competition running also: “Integrate any Unity game with GCC fast networking” http://game-cloud.org/beaunity.html And their free plan includes […]
Real Fake Clouds 3D
Real Fake Dynamic 3D Clouds..its pretty much the same as previous cloud test, except that this one is in 3D. If the clouds are low enough, they can hide mountains inside them too (its just too transparent right now..see image #2) Features: – Clouds are […]
Dynamic Clouds + Cloud Shadows on Terrain
Adding more stuff to the previous cloud test, now with fake shadows. (scene works with unity indie) New features: – Animated sky cloud shadows on terrain – Bugs: Currently the clouds are not perfectly aligned.. – Shadow strength can be adjusted (now its 0.5 for […]
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