Sea Surface Water Shader
New test for a sea surface shader.. still some problems there.. (based on this webgl water) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/seashader2/ Download source: later..
Real Fake Clouds 3D
Real Fake Dynamic 3D Clouds..its pretty much the same as previous cloud test, except that this one is in 3D. If the clouds are low enough, they can hide mountains inside them too (its just too transparent right now..see image #2) Features: – Clouds are […]
Dynamic Clouds + Cloud Shadows on Terrain
Adding more stuff to the previous cloud test, now with fake shadows. (scene works with unity indie) New features: – Animated sky cloud shadows on terrain – Bugs: Currently the clouds are not perfectly aligned.. – Shadow strength can be adjusted (now its 0.5 for […]
Animated Clouds Shader + SkyDome
Testing (fake) animated clouds shader & 3d skydome.. actually looks quite nice already! (original shader is from some dx11 c++ tutorials) Info v1.0: – Scrolling seamless cloud texture + perlin texture (shader) – Skydome 3D mesh (UV mapping is bit broken, its mirrored on the […]
Clouds using Particles
Testing clouds with particles (after seeing this: “Clouds – mr.doob“) If you look at the source, it seems they are using 8000 planes and custom shader (should be easy to port in unity..) Problem with particles is that they start to turn near camera, as […]
Real-time 3D Perlin Noise (Unity3D C#)
Real-time 3D Perlin Noise converted from a silverlight/c# code to Unity C#. Actually I wanted to do this kind of normal mapped waves effect, but it didnt work yet.. see blender video: iWave + Dynamic Paint: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO8obet1Qe4 This could be used for many things: – […]
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