Mesh Exploder (sources)
Uploaded sources for the old mesh exploder project https://unitycoder.com/blog/2013/08/02/poor-mans-mesh-exploder/ download project: https://github.com/unitycoder/SimpleMeshExploder
Explosion Heatwave Distortion (unity indie)
Fullscreen heat/explosion distortion effect shader+script [View animated gif] Info: – No rendertextures used, works with unity indie, (but slower of course) – Could be possible to have multiple heatwaves on screen.. (not tested yet) – In the webplayer its bit slow moving, too strong effect […]
Poor man’s Mesh Exploder
Always wanted to try making exploding meshes, finally had time for a small test version.. Info – Shortcut to easy mesh (fake) destruction: Take each face, Create small 3D mesh piece for it (extrude/add vertice(s) backwards from face normal), Add rigidbody, Done! – Used this […]
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