FAST-Algorithm for Corner Detection in Unity
Converted this (basic) algorithm into Unity c# https://docs.opencv.org/3.0-beta/doc/py_tutorials/py_feature2d/py_fast/py_fast.html FAST (Features from Accelerated Segment Test) is a way to detect corner features from an image. Source: *not optimizedhttps://gist.github.com/unitycoder/7649f62a6eceeb761db7f0092d9c3df1
Find Nearby Objects using CullingGroup
Saw this tip at #UniteKL18, fast way to get nearby objects using CullingGroup! (main image with 5000 gameobjects, searching objects within 3m radius) example source code: https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Docs/UnityEngine/CullingGroupExample.cs my example project: https://github.com/unitycoder/GetNearestObjectsWithCullingGroup Some notes on that: – You need to have MainCamera in the scene (as […]
Unity Optimization Tips
Making a new post here just to collect Unity Optimization tips (usually not mentioned in docs..) Feel free to post any tips / links to tips into the comment section also. OPTIMIZATION TIPS (Not in any order & not all are confirmed to work) SCRIPTING […]
A* PathFinder 2D & 3D
Converted this pathfinder to Unity: “Another faster version of A* (2D+3D) in C#” (by Roy Triesscheijn) That was amazing: 0 errors when dragged those c# files into unity Oo! Just added those boxes and linerenderer to draw the path.. (main image is 20x20x20 grid with random […]
Fast Projectiles
Testing a script for fast moving projectiles (since normal physic objects always go through walls..) Current version info: – No colliders, rigidbodies or raycasts for the projectile – Just move the objects inside FixedUpdate() – Projectile gets the target point when clicked, it doesnt check […]
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