TerrainToolkit [fork]
Forked the old TerrainToolkit from https://code.google.com/p/unityterraintoolkit/ to github: https://github.com/unitycoder/unityterraintoolkit Fixed some old scripts so that it works in Unity 5.x, still many warnings but at least can use it.. This plugin is useful for simple terrain generation, applying erosion to the terrain and textureing based on heights.
Diamond Square Algorithm
Converted Diamond Square Algorithm / random midpoint displacement fractal from Processing (original by “Justin Seyster”) to Unity C#. *See also related forum topic. Release#1: – Color32 array with SetPixels32() (instead of plotting each pixel at a time..) – Replaced “/2” with “*0.5f” (supposed to be […]
FractalTree v1.0 (2D)
2D Fractaltrees using linerenderer. Converted Unity version from this source: http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Fractal_tree#JavaScript Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mfractaltree1/ Source download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eps34pa47ieklxx Lots of room for optimisation, since now its using separate gameobject+linerenderer for each branch.. Example images using different linerenderer materials (currently commented out in the source, you need to […]
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