Increase Terrain Detail Draw Distance in Editor
Its quite annoying how the grass fades in editor (since 250 is the maximum view distance in Terrain settings), but you can force the draw distance higher with simple script whichs runs in editor References: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Terrain-detailObjectDistance.html http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ExecuteInEditMode.html Sample code: *Note this runs with Update loop […]
Grass Maker for Mesh Terrain (wip)
Trying to make some basic grass/plants generator for mesh terrain.. (not terrain object). (This is part of Mesh Terrain/Splatmap Tool) FEATURES – Editor plugin: Generates grass billboard planes(quads) over mesh surface (using raycast..) – Checks splatmap color, if its over certain threshold, then add grass […]
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