EditorScript: HDR Outline for WorldSpace UI Panel using LineRenderer
Needed hdr outline for ui panel, so here’s small editor helper script to assign linerenderer points around UI panel:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/ContextMenu/CreateOutlineForPanelEditor.cs *Note: i’m using UI always on top shader for the panel (it fixes the linerenderer z-fight issue, but also needed it for this project to display […]
Enable HDR Color picker for Shader or Script
I needed HDR color for some old Unlit/Color-shader, and for c# script also, found out that you can add this attribute for the shader: And for the script: More info:https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/ColorUsageAttribute.htmlhttps://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/SL-Properties.html Also make sure your Camera has [x] HDR enabled
Custom Sprite Bloom HDR Shader
Tried to do this shader mentioned in the forums (link), to have a Bloom image effect only on certain sprites. See main image^ 2 same sprites, different material, so only 1 gets bloomed (even though the Bloom is full screen image effect) Instructions: – Download […]
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