RANSAC 2D Line Fitting
Converted this RANSAC 2D line fitting pseudocode into Unity c# http://www.visual-experiments.com/demo/ransac.js/ What is RANSAC? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_sample_consensus Source code:https://gist.github.com/unitycoder/53495435c28853ef6522ff60d5c6a091 *Note this is not optimized at all, just a quick test Usage instructions:– Add this script to empty gameobject– Add gameobjects as a child of that gameobject (place […]
Marching Ants Sprite Outline Shader
Saw interesting question here https://forum.unity.com/threads/animated-outline-effects-using-shader.600028/ and unity sprite outline https://github.com/wlgys8/Sprites-Outline + stackoverflow https://stackoverflow.com/a/16856878/5452781 to the rescue! (although this is for 2D sprite..) Results: TODO – Test how this would look with screenspace values (to keep same size even if zoomed) – Maybe could check neighbor pixel […]
Drawing 2D lines and Adding Collider to it
Hi awesome reader! In our past tutorial “How to Draw Line” we discussed about drawing a line in the game by mouse interaction. But sometimes we need to draw a line that collides with our game objects in 2D mode. So we need to add […]
Drawing Lines
Hi dear reader! In this tutorial we want to learn how to draw a line in unity by user mouse movement and interaction. First we need a component that would be able to render simple lines. Our choice is Line Renderer, this component is able […]
Fake Tube Light Shader
Tried to test idea about tube lights (or “line light”), by using custom lighting in shader, you could sample the light several times from different positions/angles, so that it looks like the light is not just a single point. (not really working here properly yet, […]
Trajectory Test Scene 2.0
Using trajectory script from unity answers, this is a test for the Rampart prototype.. Would be nice to add the trajectory preview line also (I think I’ve seen that in the forums..) and some randomness or wind? Red target mark is light projector, with custom […]
Bresenham’s line algorithm (Unity javascript)
* image from wikipedia, public domain Converted this function to Unity javascript: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm Notes:It works.. Webplayer:http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/Bresenhamline/ Download webplayer source:Bresenham.unitypackage old unityscript sourcehttps://gist.github.com/unitycoder/90f0f1896e38a13d98e3d0c84ea45789
Xiaolin Wu’s line algorithm to Unity Javascript
Converted this function to Unity3D Javascript : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiaolin_Wu%27s_line_algorithm (Still has few bugs left..see that vertical line in screenshot..) Webplayer: coming later Can anyone find the error in this code? Why doesnt it draw vertical lines..? !note, couple lines are commented out, swapping x<>y, if I […]
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