(news) Nano Tech for Unity
Most exiting plugin for unity, they have crowdfunding running (i’ve already backed, so should you!) “A fast rendering system for highly detailed meshes, made for Unity. Supports HDRP / URP / Built-in” https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-unity-improver-nano-tech/x/1801544
Lots of Exciting New Unity Stuff Coming Up!
Lots of good stuff announced by Unity this week, here’s compilation of them: Demo Assets – Adam Demo assets released [link] New Preview Builds – Navigation Preview Build (Finally Runtime navmap baking!!!!!!!!!!!!111) [link] – Nvidia Build : VR SLI, Multi-res Shading, Lens Matched Shading, and […]
Unity Special Event GDC Live Stream (2016)
Starting soon.. website: http://unity3d.com/events/gdc-2016
[news] Unity opens office in Paris, hires Frostbite developer as director
Saw interesting tweet today: Unity opens new office in Paris, and hires Sébastien Lagarde (senior graphic programmer at DICE/Frostbite and Dontnod) Source: I am proud to announce that Unity will open an office in Paris (France) that I will join as Director of rendering research. […]
Unity Special Event #GDC2015 *Unity5 Free*
http://unity3d.com/get-unity — Images: *Click to view
Unity 5 announced
Adding here list of new features, Terrain SpeedTree integration 2D Physics effectors (point effectors attract & repel, surface effector: tangential force, area effector: directional force, platform effector: 1 way collision / zero side friction) Incremental Asset Bundles Unity homescreen (*info) New multi-threaded job system Timeline […]
Recent posts
- MotionVector Effect: Object “disappears” when paused
- [GreaseMonkey] Unity Forum Fixer
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent
- Customize SpriteShapeRenderer quality (but has issues)
- Editor tool: Copy selected gameobject’s names into clipboard as rows (for Excel)
- Editor tool: Replace string in selected gameobject’s names
- UnityHub: Enable built-in Login Dialog (no more browser login/logout issues!)
- Use TikTok-TTS in Unity (with WebRequest)
- Create Scene Thumbnail Image using OnSceneSaved & OnPreviewGUI
- webgl+javascript TTS
- Using Moonsharp (LUA) + Unity Webgl
- Using 3D gameobject prefabs with Unity Tilemap + NavMesh Surface
Recent Comments
- Using RenderDoc with Unity (graphics debugger) on
- UI Scroll View automatic Content height on
- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
- [Asset Store] Point Cloud Viewer & Tools on
- Vector3 maths for dummies! on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- UnityHub: Make Hub application background Translucent on
- Install Android SDK+JDK+NDK for Unity (without AndroidStudio or Unity Hub) on