Basic Illumination Model C#
Converted this script to unity: Basic Illumination Model by andalmeida. Problems / info: – Converted most of the values to floats.. because Mathf.Max() didnt like doubles.. i guess could had made some extension to it.. (maybe thats why there are some artifacts) – Specularity didnt […]
Camera Shaders
yay..took few hours just to get this working: Render a whole camera view with one shader. It should be simple, but the documents wont give any examples: Camera.RenderWithShader Main image is showing vertex-depth-shader seen with camera (its modified version from one of these unity replacement […]
DummyCraft / Chunk Renderer (js)
Yay..somebody has started a minecraft-style terrain tutorial here: http://www.blocksters.com/node/57 Converted the ChunkRenderer to unity javascript and it worked!..Oo (see image#1) (now just waiting for the next parts of the tutorial..) While waiting, added other sides for the planes + uv (see main image ^) Its […]
Ray Tracing & Photon Mapping (Unity3D C#)
Converting some ray tracing code from java/processing (original source by Grant Schindler/2007) 1st version works fine already, just missing the user interactions.. (and its quite slow at the moment) Current progress: v1.0 – 512×512 render: time 23.65258s (got it down to 16.54801s, if disable preview […]
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