Space Gem Road [Android Game]
Small test game, endless runner, single tap control. Check out the nice bouncing text effect in start screen 😀 Google Play (Android, free) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.unitycoder.SpaceGemRoad Website: http://games.unitycoder.com/SpaceGemRoad/ — Game view:
SpaceBattle (proto)
Small quick game again, you need to reflect your own colored missiles back to the monster.. Info: – Explosions from free particle package (AssetStore) – Sounds from http://www.bfxr.net/ – Problem: missiles are not moving smoothly in webplayer.. – 2 players (wasd + numkeypad4568). InputManager/GetAxis for […]
Place Objects on Space With Mouse
If you want to instantiate objects on empty space, you cannot use Raycasts (no colliders to hit). But you can use ScreenToWorldPoint() with adjustable distance from camera. (Or you could put invisible collider there..and if you need to adjust distance, move the collider..) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/PlaceObjectsOnSpace/ […]
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