UI Gradient Slider Bar (no scripts)
Simple UI slider setup for creating gradient slider bar (good for health / fuel bars etc). Uses UI Mask to hide gradient texture based on slider fill. Unity Project:https://github.com/unitycoder/UIGradientSliderBar
Scale Canvas and UI with Screen Size
How to:From Canvas component, Canvas Scaler:– UI Scale Mode: “Scale with Screen Size”– Reference Resolution : 800 x 600– Screen Match Mode: Match with Width or Height– Match: 1 RectTransform settings for Text TextMeshPro:(other RectTransform values are default, like pivot)
EditorScript: HDR Outline for WorldSpace UI Panel using LineRenderer
Needed hdr outline for ui panel, so here’s small editor helper script to assign linerenderer points around UI panel:https://github.com/UnityCommunity/UnityLibrary/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/Editor/ContextMenu/CreateOutlineForPanelEditor.cs *Note: i’m using UI always on top shader for the panel (it fixes the linerenderer z-fight issue, but also needed it for this project to display […]
[Shader] Draw World Space UI Always On Top
If you want to draw UI in VR (for example Google Cardboard), it doesn’t support ScreenSpace rendermode in canvas.. So all the UI’s are using WorldSpace RenderMode.. which causes issues when UI goes behind geometry. Fix: You can modify UI shader to disable ZTest Shader […]
Best Unity Github Repositories [+giveaway]
List of best public GitHub repositories: IMAGE EFFECTS Image effects collection – https://github.com/makoto-unity/OneStepEffects Filmic Tonemapping – https://github.com/kode80/UnityEffects SSAO – https://github.com/keijiro/KinoObscurance Bloom – https://github.com/keijiro/KinoBloom SMAA – https://github.com/Chman/SMAA-Unity Screen water drop, Blur, Oil Paint, Pixel, Color- https://github.com/QianMo/Awesome-Unity-Shader ANTIALIAS Temporal Reprojection Anti-Aliasing – https://github.com/playdeadgames/temporal Subpixel Morphological Antialiasing (SMAA) […]
UI Scroll View automatic Content height
“Hidden” inside the docs ( http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/HOWTO-UIFitContentSize.html ) you can find details how to make UI ScrollView content to have automatic size based on the child objects. Here’s images how to use it: – Add “Vertical Layout Group” and “Content Size Fitter” components to the Content […]
UI Text TypeWriter Effect [Script]
Quick & simple UI text typewriter effect (displays UI text 1 character at a time) Assign to UI text component, it grabs the text from it at Awake() and clears it, then starts to type out the text 1 character at a time. This file […]
Radial Slider UI Test
Quick test for radial UI slider, with color lerp & value display. TODO: – Allow starting from any angle (now 0 is at left middle) – Options: Value display on/off, Color lerp on/off – And other features from : http://anthonyterrien.com/knob/ WebGL player: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/RadialSliderUI/ Sources: radialsliderUI.unitypackage […]
New UI: Full View Image Panner
New UI: Image Panner Tutorial (where scrolling area scales to full camera view size) with ZERO lines of code 🙂 Requires 4.6.0 Beta (17 or 18) : http://unity3d.com/unity/beta/4.6 Tutorial steps • Add new canvas from menu: GameObject / UI / Canvas • While Canvas gameobject […]
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