Water Shader Test (from minecraft plugin)
Tried to convert one minecraft water shader to Unity.. some bugs left, as it doesnt really look that nice? (although havent seen the original in action..) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/minecraftwatershaderpluginUnity1/ Shader source:
Sea Surface Water Shader
New test for a sea surface shader.. still some problems there.. (based on this webgl water) Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/seashader2/ Download source: later..
Underwater test
Wanted to make underwater caustics effects with projector, but it failed / doesnt work yet.. Its still missing the animated caustics, water surface is not animated, small bokeh planktons and all that.. no time to finish it now, just got a new idea for 3D […]
Sea Waves
Sea Waves testing. Its quite “heavy”..but looks nice. Info v1.0: – Special perlin noise map (128×128) is updated every frame and used as a height/waves-map for the sea mesh (converted from “Heightmap Test” by Simon Bethke, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU […]
Fluidplane / Raindrops
Something similar to the wave map maker, but using different technique. (converted / modified from processing/java, original author Jared “BlueThen” C. – licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU GPL license) Still have to fix the colors and try some shaders with that.. […]
Water Splash Screen Effect shader
Water Splash Screen Effect Distortion Shader (test). (With unity free, you cannot use render to texture, but you could probably do that with screenshot..(?) This example is using just a plane with photo as a texture, should try with the screenshot later.. Background texture: cgtextures […]
Fake Water Shader
Testing “fake” water shader & trying to make a nice looking river scene (with unity free version..) Webplayer(s): http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver4/ (*7mb) http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mFakeRiver5/ Current “features”: Terrain textures & stones are from: Advanced Terrain Shaders v2 Terrain modeled with heightmap, imported to Unity with mTerrain Unity Terrain + […]
2D Wave Map + Vertex Displacement Shader
This is a new test version of the “2D Water/Fluid fx“. (screenshot looks better than the actualk demo : ) Features: – Vertex displacement shader (using the wave data as displacement map) – UV anim + UV mixing for that water (too bad its not […]
2D Fluids with Cellular Automata
2D Fluids test.. Trying to make water like this (see forum link), but in 2D (like the original java link there) First version works.. but using SetPixel, which is slow.. *Updated screenshot, added webplayer Currently its drawing those boxes with setpixel.. *Check also the newer […]
2D Water/fluid fx
2D water test. (converted from processing/java source) More info later.. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/mwater2d1/ Download source: mWaves2D1.unitypackage
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