webgl+javascript TTS
Quick TTS test, uses jslib to call js SpeechSynthesisUtterance. sample project:https://github.com/unitycoder/webgl-js-TTS webgl demo:https://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/webglTTSjs/ References:https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/webgl-interactingwithbrowserscripting.html
Using Moonsharp (LUA) + Unity Webgl
Moonsharp has some issues in webgl builds, but here’s working repo and some notes. REPO ( unity 2022.3.7f1 )– https://github.com/unitycoder/MoonSharpWebGL WEBGL DEMO– https://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/moonsharpwebgl/ NOTES– You need to grab this webgl fix: https://github.com/moonsharp-devs/moonsharp/pull/146– You need to do hard wiring (or at least i didn’t get the […]
QR Code Generator Online
Needed quick QR code generator to share links from desktop to mobile..So here’s 2 versions to use online:– unity QR code generator (webgl) : https://unitycoder.com/tools/QRCodeGeneratorFree/– fast QR code generator (js) : https://unitycoder.com/tools/FastQRCodeGenerator/
Run webgl application locally using python
Unity has new runtime tax/fee, but it doesn’t apply for webgl games!So how about you bundle your webgl build with simple batch script that starts webserver using python. STEPS– Build your webgl normally– Copy this runwebgl.bat file into your webgl build folder (next to index.html) […]
Compress WebGL build manually from command line (brotli)
Building brotli compressed webgl release can take hours (if you have large 3d models in the project..), and you cannot do anything with the project while unity is compressing it. Solution:Make (really fast) uncompressed builds from unity,then compress the webgl data files manually from commandline! […]
Run WebGL server manually
When making webgl builds, you cannot open generated index.html file directly inside the build folder (without webserver), and if you make Build & Run, and then close the browser tab, you need to do build & run again to view it later. Run webserver from […]
WebGL Build – Custom Loading Effect
Webgl build progress meter seems stuck at the end sometimes, so it would be nice to have some “loading/uncompressing” effect there.. WebGL example: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/CustomWebGLLoader/ *its copy of my LudumDare32 entry – Caching seems to cause some problems though, effect starts too early or too late? […]
Unity + WebGL !!
yay! maybe oneday.. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/227975-Shiva-3d-will-support-HTML5/page2?p=1525692&viewfull=1#post1525692 seems to be 1 year ago already.. https://github.com/ljmeijer/documentation/blob/master/content/english/api/BuildTarget.WebGL.mem And, with some imagination, combine those with: https://twitter.com/aras_p/status/430266567717171201 ^ although that could be anything.. the new lights/physical shaders, 64bit editor, new audio (as seen from unity 5 announcement) o_O
360 Panorama Reflection Shader
Tried to convert this webgl shader to unity.. but its not working yet. Webplayer: http://unitycoder.com/upload/demos/360ReflectionShader_unity/ (v2.0) Download Source: (webplayer scene) 360panoramaFakeReflection.unityPackage Source v1.0 (broken): – Can anyone spot what could be the problem..or are the textures just wrong? I have no idea about those matrix […]
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