Painting holes with shader v2.0
mHolePainter v2.0 (just a test/concept demo..)
Using a shader from http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Dissolve_With_Texture we can make “holes” in the material using texture. Then just add drawing into that “hole” texture and we have a hole-painter!
Added to this version is:
– You can fill the holes by holding left shift, while painting
– You can shoot objects thru the wall, if there is hole, by pressing space.
– Little sparks fx for the painter
*Note: holes are not actually _painted_ on shader, shader displays the hole where texture alpha is transparent..
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This is great! How do you make the brush size smaller? I tried replacing the plane
with a mesh that has more vertices and increasing the resolution of the texture but
it did not work. Thx for your help!
Hi, I’m trying to make an erasable texture and the included shader and mHolePainter2.js script have been very useful. However, I’m having difficulty translating the functionality over to C#. I’m not familiar with JavaScript, and I’m still trying to wrap my head around how to use Unity’s Texture2D.SetPixel function. Could you possibly tell me how to convert your script into C#? Thanks very much! It would be tremendously helpful.
You My friend save my life
thank you so much !!!