Walking Block Rotation
Testing rotating / walking block code.. (as seen in many puzzle games)
Current progress:
– Screenshot: Step.1 and Step.2 (going towards right direction)
– Can walk one direction..
– Need to add smooth movement (now it rotates 90 degrees instantly)
*This one failed.. not going to fix it
(if you want the demo, I can post.. but it only works in 2 directions)
Source (javascript)
public var pivotball:Transform[]; function Update () { if (Input.GetKeyDown("a")) // left { // function RotateAround (point : Vector3, axis : Vector3, angle : float) : void var axis = Vector3(0,0,1); var n = 0; // which point is lowest, in that direction? for (var i:int=0;i<pivotball.length;i++) { if (pivotball[i].position.y<transform.position.y) { if (pivotball[i].position.x<transform.position.x) { n=i; break; } } } transform.RotateAround (pivotball[n].position,axis, 90); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("d")) // right { var n2=0; for (var i2:int=0;i2<pivotball.length;i2++) { if (pivotball[i2].position.y<transform.position.y) { if (pivotball[i2].position.x>transform.position.x) { n2=i2; break; } } } var axis2 = Vector3(0,0,1); transform.RotateAround (pivotball[n2].position,axis2, -90); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("w")) // up { var n3=0; for (var i3:int=0;i3<pivotball.length;i3++) { if (pivotball[i3].position.y<transform.position.y) { if (pivotball[i3].position.z>transform.position.z) { n3=i3; break; } } } var axis3 = Vector3(1,0,0); transform.RotateAround (pivotball[n3].position,axis3, 90); } if (Input.GetKeyDown("s")) // down { var n4=0; for (var i4:int=0;i4<pivotball.length;i4++) { if (pivotball[i4].position.y<transform.position.y) { if (pivotball[i4].position.z<transform.position.z) { n4=i4; break; } } } var axis4 = Vector3(1,0,0); transform.RotateAround (pivotball[n4].position,axis4, -90); } }
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