2D Wave Map + Vertex Displacement Shader
This is a new test version of the “2D Water/Fluid fx“. (screenshot looks better than the actualk demo : )
– Vertex displacement shader (using the wave data as displacement map)
– UV anim + UV mixing for that water (too bad its not tiled texture (image source: Cg Textures)
– Foam fx in the shader didnt really work, and it caused the overly dark areas while painting..
– High res plane..
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Awesome work dude, looking great and was looking forward to checking it out.
But it seems the download provided is for the ‘old’ version(the one linked to in the first sentence), not the one shown in the screenshot/webplayer.
Is this intentional, or a mistake?
Link fixed
Hmmm, it says the download link has expired.
it says the download link has expired !
can you upload again ?
hi can you please tell me what does the “remap” function do ? i cant understand it !!
float remap(float value, float from1, float to1, float from2, float to2)
return (value – from1) / (to1 – from1) * (to2 – from2) + from2;
thank u
Its same as this,
(kind of scales from one range to another range)
amazing plugin: Surface Waves
this shader support mobile ?
Havent tested.. but could be too slow for mobile.
Hi, the shader gives the ” incorrect number of arguments to numeric-type constructor ” at line 101, that line is ( half4 sum = half4(0.0); ) .
How can I fix it pls ?
try half4 sum = half4(0,0,0,0);
I’m late to the party here but it looks like the download link isn’t working anymore. Is it still available anywhere?
Try without https:// , havent fixed the downloader yet for https..Soon(tm)
That’s worked, thanks 🙂
I can’t download using the link. It says
Deprecated: Function mcrypt_get_iv_size() is deprecated in dl2.php on line 13
thanks, should be fixed now!