Explosion Lava (?) Shader (test)
Uhm..failed. This was supposed to look like explosion (as in this pdf: GDC2012 Unity+DX11, page 62)
well..atleast founded a simple way to create lava textures:
Its just a highres sphere, with animated vertex extrude shader..
Download source:
Images used in the shader:
Lava/explosion texture
Vertex Extruder texture
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I think it would look better if the entire ball started small and then expanded instead of just the dark parts.Perhaps simply adjusting the vertex extrude texture would work.
yes..i was thinking could just expand it, then fade out to transparent..
but probably should look some reference how to explode it, like:
(added download if anyone wants to try it..)
thankful for this site and sources.
how can i increase speed of change?
Anim/speed comes from those “_Time.x” & “_SinTime” commands, so try “*10” or so.
Someone has made real one for dx11,
(maybe it needs pro..didnt test yet)
Easy volumetric explosion in Unity3D:
Pyroclastic Explosions (free) (webplayer + free download from asset store)
lava ideas:
free lava flow shader:
the download source is not available,can you fix it? I want get the .unityPackage for study, thanks!