
Texture Paint with Soft Brush

Now that the Android Basic is free, trying to make a simple multi-finger painter program as a test..

Current features:
– Orthographic camera, with full view sized drawing plane (see forum: Creating plane of dynamic sizes)
– Special shader that uses that drawing texture as emission.. (might work with just diffuse also..)
– Didnt find any code for drawing soft brush circles using for..loops.., tested MidPoint Circle Algorithm but it gives hard edges..(could blur it?)
– Now its using “decal splatting”, it takes 1 soft texture brush (see image#2 below), splats that into the drawing texture.
– Problem: alpha is not if you paint and dont move, it gives bad results (hmm..disable painting, if not moving?)

Todo / ideas:
– How to fix fast moving?
– Use input.touches + raycast? (or no need raycast?)
– Add some GUI (clear button..or actually use the shake gesture?)
– Add effects? (sliding image, from gyro?)


Download source:
coming later..

Image#2: soft brush texture, 64×64 (alpha values are used for painting)

Image#3: Profiler statistics for current version (8.11.2012)

<- click to view full size)

Image#4: Quick test with particles, its quite fast 30-45fps on old android galaxy s plus

16 Comments + Add Comment

  • Why did you post this if you are not going to share source??????
    How D H**L will it benefit to others??????????????????
    Just waist of time…………………..

    • Source: “coming later..”..Oo? or if you are in a superRush, there is donate button & request source option, but as mentioned in post there are problems with the current version.

      • Hi mgear,
        I’ve donate button and sent you something, but I see no way to request source code and I’m really curious to see your implementation. Any way to contact you? πŸ™‚

  • Hi there

    I did something similar but on my android phone it goes really really slow. From the moment I press and draw with my finger until I actually see the stuff it seems to take about 1/4 of a second. Very noticiable when you draw fast.
    How was your speed?

    I’m curious to see the code too πŸ™‚

  • Hi mgear,
    I’ve hit the donate button and sent you something, but I see no way to request source code and I’m really curious to see your implementation. Any way to contact you? πŸ™‚

    • Hi, sorry havent checked emails yet..i’ll send it later today!

  • Hi,

    Do you think this could work at a decent frame rate on a mobile device ( iOS platform )?
    I have also implemented something similar on iOS but with very low frame rate.

    • Tested on samsung galaxy s plus, ~4fps while painting.. Its using setpixels(). Maybe could get the same effect with “painting” additive particles over the plane instead?

  • Hi filo,
    actually I made a donation and got the code from mgear but I think he forgot about it because the code I’ve got never worked on android. I never got a newer version so there is no way for me to help you about the ios speed πŸ™

    • Hmm.. I did sent 2 versions, first one 29.5.2012 (had some errors) and the other one on 31.5.2012 (email me if you dont have the file)

      • the version from may 31 didn’t work either…
        in any case using set pixels/getpixels would make it extremelly slow. At the end I wrote my own system which i’m not too happy about (and i can’t share since it’s used on a propietary game ) but it’s over 40 fps on an old nexus one.

        The best way to do this is with an additive shader on a render texture. No matter what you try with setpixels it will never be as fast. I would love to see an implementation because I only found partial ones for mobile over the web.

    • Wow, thank you both for responding so fast.
      I am also using setpixels and getting the same results. Very low frame rate.

  • Optimised few lines out from the paint loop and now its ~6.2fps

    Some other ideas to try:
    – Use high res plane, paint vertice colors instead of texture
    – Paint additive particles
    – Use setpixels32()
    – RTT:
    – Draw (build) a mesh instead of painting anything..
    – Draw using linerenderer
    – Draw using rageSpline or other 2D toolkits
    – Draw using GL functions
    – Fast Floodfill?

  • Here’s the current version for android, if someone wants to test the speed on different phones:
    fingerpaint1.apk :

  • Added deep-profiler image, texture2D.Apply(false); takes most of the time..

    Also made a quick test with particles, its quite fast, 30-40fps on that old android phone.

  • hey are you still going to give the source? I really wanna use this

Leave a comment to mgear


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