Monotone Chain Convex Hull Algorithm
Finally got atleast some 2D convex hull algorithm working.. this one is converted from those Java & Python versions.
Converted the java version first and it kept giving strange results, then took the sub() from python and it worked rightaway..
Now can try this for the shadow casting test, should be possible to cast somekind of shadows to a flat surface(?)
It was quite difficult to sort an Vector3 array with javascript in Unity..
founded some help from unity answers, but most of those examples didnt seem to work without modifications..
nothing much to see on it..
Download source:
MonotoneChainConvexHull.unitypackage (javascript)
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Can I please get this code to play with looks very interesting!? 🙂
Source added!
convex hull (source):
Could I use this script in my game?
yes, it was originally just converted to unityscript from some of those wikipedia articles/links..