Sea Waves
Sea Waves testing. Its quite “heavy”..but looks nice.
Info v1.0:
– Special perlin noise map (128×128) is updated every frame and used as a height/waves-map for the sea mesh (converted from “Heightmap Test” by Simon Bethke, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and GNU GPL license.)
– Added camera shaking (using the same perlin noise function)
– Using also the fake sky : http://unitycoder.com/blog/2012/08/02/animated-clouds-shader-skydome/
– Added some sound loop from SoundSnap.com (no more free sounds 🙁 , unless you had registered long time ago..)
– Highres sea plane mesh (100×100 segments, created using the CreatePlane.cs from unifycommunity.com, which is down at the moment..)
Download source:
coming later..
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When will the source become available for this and your clouds with shadows? I’m interested in both. I saw on the cloud’s page to Donate, but I’ll increase donation for this source too!
Sometime later this year, they barely work right now (enough for the test webplayer), need to clean up sources, try to optimize etc..
Still, if you want to experiment with the current versions (which might have bugs and are only tested for these specific scenes..), then ofcourse I can email the files for those who donate 🙂
*And this sea waves is certainly too heavy for anything right now..actually just plain perlin noise would work faster, now its using multiple modified perlin noises..
** Also the clouds+shadows needs tweaking, shadows are bit wrong axis, as it should be mirrored, compared to skydome.. (trying to fix that soon)
Thanks for the reply!
As far as the water goes, I’m more interested in how you did the “waves” part. I haven’t been able to get a realistic “wave” that looks good and performs good.
Would be interesting to try pre-calculated wave maps..
or just use/modify the perlin noise shader for waves..
(This version is slow because it draws the wavemap using setpixels..)
This might be perfect,
Add unity Sea
“projected grid to create a mesh for the water plane” (sources + webplayer)
Turbulence Library (free!)
“Turbulence Library is a massive collection of complex and fast noise generated entirely on the GPU”
mgear, with the Turbulence Library could you create a webplayer with an ocean effect? I toyed with the webplayer some that is linked to the asset store description, but just get lost in its complexity.
wave texture gen:
Waves Moving Vertices, Gerstner Waves